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Meet the automated, diversifiedbond portfolio.

automated bond portfolio mobile app

Blended 30-day SEC yieldafter advisory fee, as of 03/11/2025

Total return since inception

(03/30/2023): 11.66%

12-month performance: 5.38%

a city landscape

Invest for the near term without too much risk.

Whether you’re planning to retire soon, or you’re looking for lower risk than equities, bonds can be a great way to invest for the next few years. Our Automated Bond Portfolio is optimized to your tax situation with the added benefit of monthly dividends. Best of all, your account stays liquid for more flexibility.

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In total assets

Bond Investing Gets The Robo-Adviser Treatment

Wealthfront is offering an automatic portfolio just for bonds in response to surging interest in fixed income.

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Tax benefits from Treasuries and higher yields from corporates.Two birds, one portfolio.

short-term treasury etf

tax advantaged

corporate bond etf

floating rate bond etf

long-term treasury etf

tax advantaged

futuristic city

With an expert-built portfolio, you’ll benefit from the diversification of four different types of bond ETFs, from tax-advantaged Treasury bonds to higher-yield corporate bonds. And to help you save even more on your tax bill, we'll optimize your holdings based on your personal details — like your annual income and state of residence.

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Higher yield. Zero hassles.

Bonds can be a pain in the math — orrr they can be a piece of cake. Designed to earn a higher yield than a savings account, our Automated Bond Portfolio can give you the dividends of bonds without all of the annoying “hard work.”

flexible and liquid, withdraw without penalties
automatically reinvest your monthly dividends
easy to manage
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Not too hot. Not too cold. It’s like the Goldilocks of risk.

High-yield savings

Best for your daily expenses and your emergency fund, until you’re ready to invest.

Bond ETFs

Increase your earning potential on extra cash with low volatility. Ideal when saving for purchases in the next 1–3 years.

Index funds

The time-tested method designed to earn you greater returns over the long term, with more exposure to risk.

Individual stocks

At risk of higher volatility, but useful when investing in specific companies you believe in.

Volatility illustration

Thinking about the competition? Be our guest.

Rising hot air balloon

Higher yields than

Treasury bills


High-yield savings


More liquid than

I bonds


Corporate bonds


Lower risk than

Individual stocks

Index funds

Corporate bonds

The best bit?We do it all for you.

biking the countryside


We re-invested this month’s dividend of $153.75.

Check mark

Automatic rebalancing

Check mark

Dividend reinvesting

Check mark

Tax-Loss Harvesting

Check mark

100% managed for you.

Not only can you earn a yield with the Automated Bond Portfolio, but you won’t even have to think about it. Since your portfolio is fully managed, we’ll automatically adjust your portfolio to optimize your allocations, reinvest your dividends, and help you lower your taxes with Tax-Loss Harvesting, whenever we can. You’re welcome to watch, or do anything else.

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When it comes to bonds, everyone has questions.

Learn more about our portfolio of bond ETFs with these helpful FAQs.

So about this “blended 30-day SEC yield.” What even is that?

Good question! A “30-day SEC yield” is defined by the SEC to measure the dividends and interest that a bond fund earns (minus expenses) over the last 30 days, annualized. Our “blended” number takes the weighted average of the yields on the funds in the portfolio, minus our 0.25% management fee.

Does that mean the yield is guaranteed?

No. The blended 30-day SEC yield provides a snapshot of the income generated by the portfolio ETFs in the past 30 days, but it doesn’t predict future returns. It’s also important to note that it doesn’t represent the portfolio’s overall performance – just like any investment, the price of the ETFs in the portfolio may fluctuate day-to-day.Learn more about the pros and cons of bond ETFs.

How do I know if this product is right for me?

The Automated Bond Portfolio is great for those seeking a higher yield than our Cash Account with less risk than investing in equities. It’s designed to be our lowest risk portfolio, but there’s still a chance it could lose value. If you prefer not to take on that risk, or you expect to withdraw your money within the next year, our Cash Account might be a better fit for you. If you’re looking for long-term growth and you’re able to take on more risk for potentially higher returns, consider our automated index investing portfolios.

When do I get my dividends?

Glad you asked! You’ll get a dividend from each of your bond ETFs sometime around the beginning of the month. But keep in mind that December and January are a little different: Because these ETFs usually have year-end distribution requirements, you’ll typically see larger dividend payments (or multiple dividend payments) in December, but none in January.

How does the tax-optimization part work?

Some bonds are extra special because your gains can be exempt from state or federal taxes. We’ll ask you a few questions to understand your specific tax situation and then build you a portfolio to maximize your after-tax yield with this personalized allocation. And as time goes on, we’ll use our industry-leading Tax-Loss Harvesting software to look for opportunities to lower your tax bill even more.

OK, but there’s a fee? Walk me through it.

We charge a small, 0.25% annual management fee for the Automated Bond Portfolio, just like with our Automated Investing Account. Not only will we handle all the trades for you, but we’ll automatically reinvest your dividends, rebalance your portfolio, and look for regular Tax-Loss Harvesting opportunities, whenever possible. All you have to do is sit back and watch your money earn more money.

Is my portfolio really liquid?

It really is. Generally, it takes 3-4 business days to withdraw since your money is in bond ETFs, not a savings account. But unlike CDs or I bonds, there’s no penalty to withdraw your money whenever you need it.